Brewing beers as early as 1422, the family has brewed quality beers locally using traditional methods. Showing an ability to adapt and innovate, the brewery has incorporated modern equipment to improve efficiency and energy conscious practices such as a wood chip heating system, as well as an energy saving program using heat storage. Producing a range of beers with something for everyone.
Making consistent adjustments to improve their environmentally sustainable commitments. The addition of wastewater pretreatment, reduces the organic load in the brewery’s wastewater by 80%. Simultaneously, the sewage is fed to a locally operated gas storage facility, supplying biomethane for the combined heat and power plant to generate green electricity during the brewing process. This brings in a total of 612,00 KW/hr of CO2 neutral electricity, saving upwards of 137 tons of CO2 in the process.
Generally a pale lager beer, referring to a beer destined to be consumed during Oktoberfest, a three-week period celebrated in Munich.
These beers have been provided by Webster Barnes LLC. Discover more about our company
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